Powderpost beetles

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Powderpost Beetle Inspection & Extermination Treatment

Is your home or office safe from powderpost beetles? If you’re not sure, it’s time to call theXTermiGator for a powderpost beetle inspection. Our team of experts will identify any powderpost beetle infestations and recommend the best course of action to get rid of them.

Powderpost Beetles

Powderpost beetles are a common pest in Northeast Texas and can cause serious damage to your property if left untreated. These tiny beetles can bore through wood, causing the powderpost beetle larvae to feast on the cellulose inside. Over time, this can weaken the structural integrity of your building, leading to expensive repairs.

If you’ve noticed small holes in your woodwork, piles of powdery sawdust near wood beams, or other signs of powderpost beetles infestation, don’t wait any longer. Call the exterminator today for a powderpost beetles inspection. Will get rid of these insects quickly and safely, so you can rest easy knowing your home or office is protected.

About Powderpost Beetles


  • Sizes range from 1/12 to 1/3 inches in length
  • Are reddish-brown to black
  • Body is shaped like an elongated, flattened cylinder
  • Antennae are 11 segmented, with a distinct, two-segmented club at the end
  • Each tarsi has four segments, and tibia has spurs


  • Are white, C-shaped grubs, with the thorax wider than the rest of the body
  • The eighth abdominal spiracle is much larger than all the others

Powderpost beetles are a common pest in Northeast Texas and can cause serious damage to your property if left untreated. These tiny beetles can bore through wood, causing the powderpost beetle larvae to feast on the cellulose inside. Over time, this can weaken the structural integrity of your building, leading to expensive repairs.

If you’ve noticed small holes in your woodwork, piles of powdery sawdust near wooden beams, or other signs of a powderpost beetle infestation, don’t wait any longer. Call theXTermiGator today for a powderpost beetle inspection. We’ll get rid of these pests quickly and safely, so you can rest easy knowing your home or office is protected.

What type of wood do Powderpost Beetles like?

Powderpost beetles usually attack only seasoned or partly seasoned sapwood of hardwoods such as ash, oak, pecan, and hickory, but they will also attack bamboo, cherry, elm, persimmon, walnut and many others.

They can attack wood with a moisture content between 6-30%. Most wood within centrally heated and cooled buildings contains enough moisture for a lyctid attack.

They will re-infest the same wood repeatedly until it is virtually useless and they may spread to other hardwoods nearby.

Susceptible wood must have pores large enough for adults to insert eggs into, thus, most damage is restricted to the unfinished portions of sapwood.

Why they’re called Powderpost Beetles

Larvae make round tunnels that are loosely packed with very fine frass that has the consistency of talcum powder, which is where the name “Powder Post” comes from. This is usually the result of several generations of beetles in the same wood.

When adults leave the wood, it is left with many small round holes that are 0.03 to 0.13 inches (0.8 to 3.2 mm) in diameter. The adults are leaving to search for a new wood source.

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Serving NE Texas


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